Golem’s Song
Amal El-Mohtar
The leaves are fading from my skin
sinking back into the sand
I’ll soon be dead and dry within.
She made me tall, and dark, and thin,
fashioned me branches with her hand;
the leaves are fading from my skin.
She taught me how to frown and grin
with muddy teeth pulled from the land.
I’ll soon be dead and dry within.
She named me garden, desert sin,
baked vines into me with a brand —
the leaves are fading from my skin —
but they came for her, kith and kin,
broke her before she could command.
I’ll soon be dead and dry within.
I saw her fall; I saw them win;
I saw her sink into the sand.
The leaves are fading from my skin,
I’ll soon be dead and dry within.
Amal El-Mohtar lives in Ottawa, Canada, where she can often be found playing her harp, working in a bookstore, and giving guided ghost tours. Her work has appeared in Star*Line, Astropoetica and Shimmer; she also co-edits Goblin Fruit, a webzine devoted to fantasy poetry, with fellow scribbler Jessica P. Wick.
Story © 2006 Amal El-Mohtar. All other content copyright © 2006 ByrenLee Press
Copyrighted by the author unless otherwise noted.
Art Director: Bonnie Brunish