Richard Magahiz
Becoming, not being
gracetime grains of dog-bodies
scull in precious cream
cramming the foursquare case
clock that throbs triple
tame senses are unweaned, too
weak to nose out their scented
such beings that look sweetly
in on our cradle, a fairy hovering
haloed in hound’s tongue
backed up by a sidewheel titanic
to watch this divinity lick us tacky
in an act of cosmological
coolly she turns more colossal
by parts in assessed fairy
for now we aspire as fixtures
in material void bumping
blazoning a dogwood budbreak
greenly on the lap of stainless
certainly less than the sensation
I and thou must haul toward ecstatic
expecting sundog worship, espaliered
tighter across dwarf spray
simply to tickle the spreading
drapes, the escapement of petit point
particles dark mattered prongs
of ancient twin stars Urim &
Munin and Hugin croak no gold, chromium,
lead, nor quintessence, not even this dogbone
Richard Magahiz has a day job working with computers, originally as a physicist but more recently as a software engineer. When it comes to music, food, or books his tastes are both eclectic and idiosyncratic. He spent a long time on the East Coast of the US but has come back to his native state of California. His work has appeared recently at Live Encounters Poetry & Writing, Star*Line, Dreams and Nightmares, Failed Haiku, as well as in Danse Macabre, otoliths, bones, Uppagus, and Eye to the Telescope. His website is at
Author’s Comments: This poem was first written out early one Saturday morning in August 2020 in its present structure of fourteen lines each with a tag. I think I had been reading Rilke and had his strange dream-like sonnets on the mind, but didn’t want to write a sonnet exactly. I liked the lightly haunting effect and made only a few changes, mainly with the tags, since then. Now I am thinking I might try another with some of the same elements.
Image Credit: The recycled paper dog collage by artist Betsy Silverman.
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