The Cross Cutting Trilogy
by Wendy Hammmer (Apocalypse Ink Productions)
Protagonist Trinidad O’Laughlin is a child of vastly different cultures, but her parents had a common unique gift: Earth magic. Working closely with the land, city or whatever area a Walker cares for is called, they defend the area. The land reciprocates, endowing the magic user with power ina sort of symbiotic arrangement.
The three books are about the unique threats to Trinidad’s world, and how she deals with them. Each story is about a distinctive monster. Vivid descriptions of aberrations, distortions, violence, emotions and pain are woven into each tale. Trinidad gains support from talented locals, and a trusted friend, but she is the driving force of these stories. Death happens in some of the stories, not totally unexpected in this type of war, violent, and final. There are reassuring vignettes of family life. It’s a superbly told tale of the blending of two unlike cultures.
The Cross Cutting trilogy is Urban Fantasy done quite well, in this reader’s opinion. I enjoyed the strong, talented characters with strange plot twists that drew me in deeper and deeper into the story and pulled me through three books.
– Brian Thies