Introduction to Poetry in Issue 60
The slate of eight poems begins with a surreal poem, “No Panic” (Justin Holliday/ Central, SC), but changes up to black humor, “Trading Disguise” (Sara Cordova/ Albuquerque, NM), which is Sara’s first publication! “Déjà Voyage” (Catherine Moore/ Nashville, TN), a fanciful fantasy hybrid piece consisting of flash poem sections and lineated poetry sections, is juxtaposed to a psychological horror piece, “The Detective, Years After” (Chloe N. Clark/ Ames, IA). This is followed by two scifi pieces involving space exploration follow: “Moon Flu” (Sara Backer/ Hollis, NH), “Two Androids, Learning to Be Human, Visit the Water Star” (Stuart Greenhouse/ Highland Park, NJ). And then another scifi piece that’s apocalyptic: “Cataclysm Days: A Dispatch from the Interior Highlands” (Charles Von Nordheim/ Palmdale, CA). The set of poetry closes with a dark piece, “Revelries” (Patrick Doerksen/ Victoria, BC, Canada).
We hope you enjoy these issue’s selection. (I selected and modified the accompanying artwork/images. See Editor’s Notes at the end of each poem for details.)
John C. Mannone
Poetry Editor