“the telePath Co. soothes a user”
by Mike Allen
(*)We regret to report your telePath link
to MindportGlobal has been severed;
to monitor the progress of repair, just think
a link to the IsItFixed psychic node, relax
as we download soothing thoughts
into your cortex, as contract requires;
as we would, if your link wasn’t severed.
::Hallucinate: you are a paisley fish
::swimming the hollandaise sea
::compliments of NeuroHackers UnLtd.
::since this a.m.
(*)Do not worry about billing procedures;
since you cannot contact us, ongoing fees
for repairs will be deducted automatically.
As meantime consolation, we’ve projected
on your link implant’s frequency a free
and fine selection of generic, general issue
erotic fantasies. We hope you will find
the intervals a pleasant distraction.
::Swim and spawn: you are paisley, saucy,
::kinky, more so than anyone imagined,
::as 2,264,549 users are about to discover
::courtesy of NeuroHackers UnLtd.
Mike Allen lives in Roanoke, Va. with his wife Anita, two rambunctious puppies, and a cranky old cat. He’s editor of Mythic Delirium, DNA Publications’ poetry journal. He’s had more than 100 poems published in places like Strange Horizons and Weird Tales. He is the author of two poetry collections, Defacing the Moon and the newly-released Petting the Time Shark. His poem, “Epochs in Exile: A Fantasy Trilogy,” written in collaboration with Charles Saplak, won a 2003 Rhysling Award.
Copyrighted by the author unless otherwise noted.
Art Director: Bonnie Brunish