“It’s Been a Great 20 Years”

This is my last edition at the helm of Abyss & Apex. I’ll still be around, as its book reviewer and publicist, but it’s time to hang up my Magazine Editor hat and put on my Writer hat. I’m not the first editor to vacate the position “to have more time to write,” just the most recent one. And I have a growing list of regular editorial clients clamoring for me to polish their books.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

It has been a beautiful sight to see new authors get published here and go on to great things. If A&A publishes you you have a cover letter credit that is respected by the pro magazines. Since we cap our payments I’ve made it our policy to also pay in recognition: to submit our stories for awards and honors and to share the milestones of our A&A alumni. Plus if we have already published your short fiction we’re willing to read and possibly review your independently-published works since we already know we like your writing. We even pull stories up from our archives in case readers missed them. Our authors tell me they love that their works get seen again rather than forgotten.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you

I will be saying adieu to the constant pressure to read the slush, work on rewrites, make tough decisions on what to publish and what to reject, to send out stories for awards, or to send out author proofs and fix their stories per their comments–or override them. There’s the pressure of fundraisers, of putting together Best of A&A anthologies, proofreading (before another proofreader checks my work), and paying authors and poets. It’s all tremendously time consuming, with the emphasis on consuming. But I loved what I did and would not trade it for anything. Still, it’s time to move on.

So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen
I’d like to stay and taste my first champagne

Maybe you can toast me with that champagne at the next convention I visit. (Really, all I drink is wine spritzers, hint hint). I was surprised and honored at the response when I announced I’d be training my replacement this year and leaving at the beginning of January. I seemed to have become some sort of an institution, but I assure you I’m mortal and all good things must come to an end. I was blessed with an offer from Bonnie Brunish to take the helm and I was about to close the magazine otherwise, so feel free to thank her.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave a sigh and say “Goodbye”, goodbye

There is a part of me that will miss this work a great deal. I’ve had wonderful staff members over the years. Some are no longer with us because they’ve gone to the big slush pile in the sky, others are still dear friends. And I consider many of the authors I’ve published good friends as well. Virtual friends that I might only see on occasion at conventions are still portable friends, and when I moved to South Carolina from the NYC area you all traveled here with me, close to my heart.

I’m glad to go, I cannot tell a lie
I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly

Part of me is really, really, REALLY gleeful at the prospect of getting my several book projects out. Watch this space, because I’ll let A&A know when they come out!

The sun has gone to bed and so must I
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

Or maybe I should just say au revior: until we meet again. I hear the writer life beckoning me and I must go.

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

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8 Responses to “It’s Been a Great 20 Years”

  1. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for writers, readers, and the genre! Wishing you all the best on your new literary adventures. I can’t wait to see where they take you–and read the results. Good luck!

  2. Joseph Paul Haines says:


    Thank you for everything you have done for the world of science fiction and fantasy. Your personal glow has polished A&A over the years and established it not only as a great magazine, but a voice within the genre, distinct and true.

    I wish you nothing but continued successes and the best with your own work.

    Your friend always,

  3. Bon voyage, Wendy! May all your projects be successful. Thanks so much for publishing one of my stories. It still means a lot to me that you did.

  4. Gregg Chamberlain says:

    A bientot until next time…. and may good fortune go with you.

  5. Randall Andrews says:

    Best wishes with all your future endeavors and thank you for everything you’ve done at A & A. As both a writer and a reader, thank you!

  6. Jim Craig says:


    It’s been a remarkable run! I’m sure you’ll shine in whatever role you take on now!

    Thanks for everything!

  7. Robert Runte says:

    End of an era.
    Thanks for all you have done, not just for the magazine, but for the SF&F community.
    You will be missed.

  8. Cate Covert says:

    Best wishes and God speed as you move onto your next writing adventure. Thank you for all your work! I’m a happy writer whom you discovered, and that’s a blast! Love you, sister.

    Shalom shalom,

    Cate Covert

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