Celebrating Story

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve all had quite enough of winter. Many of us had no choice but to go out into the frozen world to earn a living, when all we wanted to do was curl up in front of a fireplace in a comfortable chair, with a good book.

Now, the robins are back. Spring flowers are blooming, if not quite in our yards, woods, and shared urban spaces, then at least in florist’s windows, grocery stores, or forced bulbs in our homes. It’s a time of renewal.

We’re renewing our pledge to you, the reader, to bring you the best short fantasy and science fiction we can find. For writers, we’ll continue to judge manuscripts on their merits, never looking at the authors race, sex, or even publication history. We promise to try to do rewrites with you on promising stories (when possible), and to try to get your work to as large an audience as possible.

That’s how we find new voices. 25 percent of our authors make their first-ever sale here at Abyss & Apex. It’s also how we consistently publish over 40 percent women writers, without even trying, without worrying about it or even tallying our stats until the end of the year.

This issue of A&A is full of treasures. You’ll read about a Viking woman who braves death for honor, a child who tries to walk from Earth to Mars to see his father, experience a fertility goddess’ drawn-out lament for the sacrifices the seasons require, and take a trip in time-traveling classic car. You’ll find out what a time machine really costs, learn how lives are treasured up in volumes, and fight Boko Haram and magic in the Nigerian bush.

As always, we have a wealth of genre poetry, too, and some reviews on interesting books we’ve read.

Open the windows of your soul and let the fresh spring air in. Our Spring 2018 stories will breathe new life into your imagination.

– Wendy S. Delmater



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