Conspiracy Theory
My wife says I can’t talk about it here
in this unchained Mexican restaurant
full of strangers, a full
63 miles north of Juarez,
93 miles from the Trinity Site,
it’s un-American, she says.
My tostada is a travesty:
más tortilla, poquito meat
erratic bean placement
over salted, under spiced.
I ask her if we can talk about:
Hurricane Katrina, Giant Squid,
Mutant Rats, Crazy Ants . . .
Tim Staley completed a Poetry MFA from New Mexico State University in 2004. His chapbooks are available for purchase at the Grandma Moses Press online store. Journal publications include Border Senses, Canary, Chiron Review, Circumference, Coe Review, RHINO, and Sin Fronteras. His hobbies include thinking, eating taquitos, and waiting.