Introduction to Abyss & Apex Poetry, Issue 55
We are proud to present another slate of talented poets from coast to coast and around the world for your reading pleasure beginning with a bizzaro prose poem “Ghost Parade” by Shannon Rampe (Alexandria, VA), which segues nicely into kind of a love poem, “He Promised Me the Moon,” by Marge Simon (Ocala, FL). But all relationships are strained. “The Argument Box” by JD Fox (Montpelier, VT) is surreal, edgy, powerful and honest (but we caution readers of its mature language and strong adult content). “Pseudopod” is a nicely-done Lovecraftian pantoum by Karen Bovenmyer (Ames, Iowa). Shawna Kastin (Sacramento, CA) offers a twist to a familiar story in the fantasy horror poem, “Red.” Richard Larson (La Puebla de Cazalla, Spain) shares a surreal elegiac poem, “I went to the asteroid to bury you.” Finally, we close the set with a fantasy villanelle, “Dark with Secrets,” by Freya Pickard (Brighton, England).
Please enjoy them.
John C. Mannone
Poetry Editor