like fireflies
by Terrie Leigh Relf
the children gave chase
with jam and jelly jars
through a copse of trees
into an open field
their laughter trailing behind
light from a comet’s tail
and then we gave chase
struggling to keep them in sight
mesmerized by the fireflies
as they whirled each arc
around a child carrying
them all away
Terrie Leigh Relf is a lifetime member of The Science Fiction Poetry Association, and is on staff at Sam’s Dot Publishing, where she is the lead editor for Hungur and The Drabble, lead editor, assisted by Herika Raymer for Shelter of Daylight and Cover of Darkness, assistant editor to H. David Blaylock of ParABnormal Digest, and co-editor with Edward Cox of Sounds of Darkness. She has been nominated for the Rhysling Award four times, and is the author of three poetry collections: Lap Danced by the Muse, Jupiter’s Eye, My Friend, the poet, and other poems about people I think I know. Her slipstream novel, The Waters of Nyr, was recently released from Sam’s Dot Publishing.